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6th Grade Library Skills: Home

Welcome to 6th Grade Library Skills!

Access the Middle School LibGuide

For class Information: click here for the course overview

Class Meeting Location:

This year, we will meet in the Faissler Library Classroom 

  • 6-1 Day 9, 3rd period

  • 6-2 Day 10, 5th period

Class Expectations:

  • Be punctual and prepared. Come with a pen/pencil, your laptop, your library folder, and your independent reading book.
  • Be focused. Choose a seat that will help you to pay attention.
  • Be seen and heard. Raise your hand and engage in small group discussions.
  • Be respectful. Track the speaker. Be conscious of your body language; it communicates a lot even when you are not talking!

Author Visit: March 26-28, 2024

Award-Winning Author and Illustrator, Eugene Yelchin

Book Talks

Creepy Reads LibGuide

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A-Z Databases

A-Z Database List

Website Evaluation