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Research Guidelines

1) Once you have selected a person to research, brainstorm keywords and names that you can try in databases and as you search online. When using a search engine, use "quotation marks" around words that should be grouped together. Use a + sign or AND to combine search terms, i.e." Lady Mary Wortley Montagu" AND humanitarianism. You can also try to combine your person's name with primary sources, i.e.  "Cesare Beccaria" + primary sources. In addition, be aware of alternate spellings, i.e. Marquis de Condorcet or Jean-Antoine-Nicholas de Caritat.

2) Use the databases and websites below to search for more information about your topic. Don't forget to check out Gale e-Books in Context!

3) Start a project in NoodleTools where you can create a bibliography using Chicago Manual of Style formatting. 



Gale E-Books in Context

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