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10th Early Modern Era Research Project: Home

Research Guidelines

1) Once you have selected a society of interest, brainstorm keywords that relate to its government and its history. Build a list of keywords and alternate search terms for example: "Iroquois" AND "confederacy" or "gerontocracy" AND "Igbo" or "monarchy" AND "Holy Roman Empire." Be aware of alternative spellings and try all of them in databases, i.e. "Joseon Dynasty" or "Choson Dynasty."

2) Use the databases and eBooks listed below to search for more information about your topic.

3) Start a project in NoodleTools and share it with your teacher's project inbox. Track your sources and take notes using NoodleTools. Make sure that each notecard is connected to a source. See the sample notecard below.

4) Evaluate your sources and write 3 annotations using the OPVL source analysis approach - Origin, Purpose, Value, and Limitation. Your annotations should be included in your NoodleTools project, added under each source.


Relevant Websites

Gale E-Books in Context